
College Learning Series Evolve Lecture:  Rational Use of Investigations

Professor Ian Scott has released an Evolve lecture on the Rational use of investigations. This lecture outlines how to begin thinking about the provision of higher quality care, minimising risks, costs of indiscriminate testing practises and the cognitive and systems biases which underline these. The lecture covers how physicians can use clinical and communication skills, reasoning, and knowledge of evidence-based medicine to order tests that will maximally benefit patients.

This course is accessible to members via RACP Online Learning, College Learning Series: Adult Medicine.

Alternatively, to view the lecture directly please click on the lecture below

                                                             CLS Evolve Lecture_Rational use of investigations (2)

New Evolve Animations

RACP Evolve is working on a series of animations to publicise Evolve Top-5 Recommendations to reduce low-value care. RACP Evolve has released three new animations to visually explain the Australian and New Zealand Society of NephrologyThoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Paediatrics and Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Adult Top 5 Recommendations.

To learn more about the Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion Top-5 Recommendations click on the animation below

                                                         ANZSBT Evolve Top 5 Recommendations animation

To learn more about the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology Top-5 Recommendations click on the animation below

                                                         ANZSN Evolve Top 5 recommendations animation

To learn more about the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Paediatrics Top-5 Recommendations click on the animation below

                                                         TSANZ Paediatrics Evolve Top 5 recommendations animation

To learn more about the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Adult Top-5 Recommendations click on the animation below

                                                        TSANZ Adults Evolve Top 5 recommendations animation

To learn more about joining the Evolve movement click on the animation below

                                                        Join the Evolve movement

To learn more about the Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine’s Top-5 Recommendations click on the animation below
                                                       AChAM Top 5 Recommendations Animation


Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion Recommendations Evolve Top-5 Recommendations 

The Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT) Evolve Top-5 Recommendations were released in March 2022. The development of the list was led by Dr Anastazia Keegan. The launch of the recommendations was supported by a media release and featured as a major online ABC News exclusive in March 2022.  Dr Keegan led an Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion Study Day in September 2022.

Dr Keegan held a webinar in August 2022: ‘Make it count: Choose every blood product for transfusion wisely’. Click on the ‘Make it Count: Choose every blood product for transfusion wisely’ ANZSBT Evolve- Top-5 Recommendations webinar below

                                                      ANZBT Recommendations webinar 

In June 2023 the Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion released a 1-page supporting infographic to visually explain their Evolve Top-5 Recommendations. To view the full-page infographic click on the image below

                                                          The Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion Evolve Top-5 Recommendations Infographic

Paediatrics and Child Health Division Case Study 

To support the implementation of Evolve recommendations in clinical practice, we have launched a series of case studies exploring a clinical scenario based on one of the Evolve recommendations on low-value care. Dr Joanna Lawrence and the Paediatrics and Child Health Division have led the development of a new case study for management of bronchiolitis in children. 

Be sure to view this new case study by clicking on the image below.

                                                     PCHD Case Study_Management of bronchiolitis in children

Evolve webinar series 2021

The RACP held the Evolve Webinar Series in 2021. The monthly webinars explored interesting topics related to reducing low-value practices and improving the quality and safety of healthcare.


COVID-19 Recommendations

The COVID-19 pandemic presents an unprecedented challenge to the capacity of health care systems and providers around the world. Now, more than ever, stewardship of limited resources is critical.

In response, Choosing Wisely Canada developed this list of recommendations with input from international leaders to raise awareness about the need to use limited health care resources wisely.


Developing Evolve Recommendations

Evolve is a partnership between the RACP and specialties. The movement provides a trusted process for each Specialty to remain up-to-date with the latest evidence. The development of Evolve ‘Top-Five’ recommendations is:

  • Fellow-led, collaborative, evidence and consensus-based
  • flexible – guided by agreed criteria, the process allows for adaptability in approach and pathways tailored to Specialties, and
  • transparent.

Tips on implementing Evolve

Evolve aims to support physicians to safely and responsibly phase out low-value tests, treatments and procedures where appropriate, provide high-value care to patients based on evidence and expertise, and influence the best use of health resources, reducing wasted expenditure.

There are several ways you can help implement Evolve ‘Top-Five’ recommendations in your workplace, including:

  • Follow us on TwitterFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn.
  • Join the Evolve Policy Reference Group and help shape and drive the Evolve initiative (email evolve@racp.edu.au to join). 
  • Be a part of developing your Specialties Top 5 Recommendations.
  • Make recommendations a routine part of clinical handovers.
  • Include recommendations in education sessions like grand rounds, workshops, clinical case reviews, team meetings and more.
  • Undertake a clinical audit and feedback project on a recommendation.
  • Build your skills to enable them to participate in joint decision making with their patients, or have difficult discussions with their colleagues or supervisor.
  • Engage hospital management in implementing the recommendations across the health service.
  • Discuss the recommendations with referring doctors and your multidisciplinary care team.
  • Encourage organisational and department Evolve Champions to help drive change.
  • Undertake research on Evolve and implementation of Evolve recommendations
  • Share your experiences, ideas and challenges with us and other physicians.
  • Order Evolve merchandise and collateral for your next event to share the word.
Don’t forget you may be able to claim some of your Evolve activities as CPD. Check against the MyCPD Framework.

Evolve in the Media

The sooner and more comprehensively this list is used the better

Dr Simon Allan, Chair, Palliative Medicine Education Committee