Better care. Better decision-making. Better use of resources. 


RACP encourages its Advanced Trainees and Fellows to develop and conduct research projects on specific recommendations as part of specialty training and ongoing education. Outcomes from these projects can be:
   •   Presented at conferences or published in journals
   •   Adapted and implemented across health services and specialties
   •   Used as ongoing references or resources
   •   A career development opportunity

​Contact evolve@racp.edu.au if you have recently undertaken or would like to undertake research in these areas as we could potentially assist in cross-promotion or development of your projects. 


  • Choosing Wisely means Choosing Equity (PDF)
    The College, through Evolve, was a major sponsor for the Choosing Wisely Means Choosing Equity Report that was commissioned by Choosing Wisely and Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa (New Zealand). This report outlines recommendations for the College and members to consider, to ensure we are not increasing or maintaining health inequities. 

Oral Presentations by RACP Fellows and trainees on Evolve related projects

    Latest Evolve Research

    Poster Presentations